How to Care for Fake Grass

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Fake grass makes for the perfect place to host parties, hang out on the lawn, and play with your dog or kids. But, just like any place that’s lived-in, your lawn will eventually get dirty — maybe a guest drops their food, someone takes a tumble, or maybe you find pet waste. When this happens, it is relatively easy to clean up your fake grass.

How to Care for Fake Grass

  • For most common substances like drinks, blood, or urine, you can usually solve the problem very easily. Sop up the initial spill with a paper towel, a dishrag, or absorbent kitty litter, depending on the size of the spill. Next, rinse the grass with a mixture of water and gentle household detergent. Rinse the cleaner out of the grass until the only thing that remains is water.
  • For solid matter like pet waste, for instance, you should allow it to dry before picking it up. This will make it less likely that you have to deal with lingering smears or stains caused by trying to clean it up while still wet. If there is any remaining debris, spray the grass off with water.
  • For very sticky things like tree sap or gum, you may need to employ the use of aerosol refrigerants or dry ice to freeze the contaminant in question before being able to safely remove it from your grass.

Although there may be some challenges, fake grass is remarkably easy to clean, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a low-maintenance lawn replacement.